Clarify Your Doubts About Clarified Butter (Ghee)

Ghee (as termed in Hindi or “Ghrita” in Sanskrit) has certainly fought battles for many centuries now to acquire acclaim as a “healthy fat” with medicinal properties in the Western World. Ghee is the clarified form of butter from Cow’s milk. It has been utilized for over a millennium in Ayurveda (an Ancient Indian Science of life) as a therapeutic agent. In ancient India, ghee was the preferred cooking oil. However, in the last several decades, ghee was implicated as a “Heart hurting fat” with the increased prevalence of coronary artery disease (CAD) due to its high saturated fat content and cholesterol content. Even though it was flagged as a “forbidden fat” for cooking and consumption with the increasing risk for heart diseases, promising research studies contraindicative of its unhealthy claims, brought to light the multi facet therapeutic properties of this fat. And now it is shelved in grocery stores and health food stores in the “HEALTH FOOD AISLE”.

  1. Medicinal property: Ayurveda, one of most ancient existing sciences of life originated from India, till date uses Ghee or “Ghrita” as an important medium for mixing concoctions and for preparing medications to cure various illnesses.

  2. A natural Lubricant: An excellent lubricant and smooth fat high in CLA (Conjugated Linoleic acid) also helps reduce inflammation which in turn can reduce rheumatoid arthritis. CLA blocks excess production of pro-inflammatory immune agents, leading to less joint destruction and inflammation.

  3. An Immunity Booster: CLA in ghee has exhibited excellent properties to fight the bugs in our gut there by coating our digestive system as a defense barrier.

  4. Natural Source of Fat soluble Vitamins: Ghee is naturally loaded with Vitamin A, D, E, D and K which respectively enhances anti-aging properties, bone health, reduction of oxidative stress, and intestinal health.

  5. A heart healthy fat: Contrary to the studies done in the past Ghee, is now claimed as a heart friendly fat that lowers the LDL cholesterol.

  6. An Anti-Diabetic food: Consumption of ghee has also improved insulin resistance in diabetic patients and delayed the onset diabetes.

  7. A natural flavor enhancer: Ghee has an excellent natural aroma and when used as a cooking fat it certainly exemplifies the flavor of the spices and condiments added.

  8. A brain power booster: Clarified butter or ghee has certainly gained popularity in the neurological studies, to show excellent properties in increasing brain power and repairing neurological damage.

  9. Fat buster: A very old and ancient medium to burn fat in humans used in Ayurveda, now an attraction in modern medicine and research where Ghee ingested in therapeutic dosages have shown to help burn fat and help increase lean body mass, thereby haunting the epidemic of obesity.