About Me
As a registered dietitian and an Integrative Wellness coach, health to me is my most priced possession .While having closely observed and understood the science of how food provides beyond energy, to me the quote “You are what you Eat”, truly reflects my life.
While my life journey has taught me significantly well on leading a Proactive healthy lifestyle, all the values and principles I have imbibed from my parents, grandparents and many influential mentors, have certainly molded me to who I am today.
Loosing my prime identity, my robust voice more than once to thyroid cancer gave me the strength and resilience to never give up on anything in life. Rebuilding my stamina to pursue my passions, while still staying positive was a trying journey. Yet, It was absolutely worth it to make me realize what is vital here. It is “My health”, my well being and my sustained Wellness.
This mental, spiritual and intellectual pursuit has made me a highly-motivated entrepreneur who advocates for everyone to live their passion, right here and right now.
I simply incorporate practical techniques also using performing arts paired with well-integrated nutritional programs to help my clients achieve a transformative change for their overall well-being.
My Coaching Style
You will be coached with Positive psychology to identity and focus on your strengths.
Your strengths will be highlighted with high mileage questions where any weaknesses will fade with time.
Your sessions will be empowering where change will be only for the better.
Empathy, gratitude and trust will be default in every session to make you feel happy and at ease.
Your health goals will be tailored and customized to always make you feel satisfied and contended holistically.
My Vision
To see a world of happy individuals who can experience fulfilling healthy prosperous lives exploring their highest potentials.
As a nutritionist and health coach I want to ensure that I can use all my experience of having worked as a dancer, singer, actress, mentor and a motivational speaker - to guide and inspire many from all age groups to cultivate a sense of life that can sustain quality wellbeing in happiness and health.